Horizontal Falls
What an exhilarating experience!
Today we flew back up to Cape Leveque to the Horizontal Falls in the Buccaneer Archipelago. We took an eleven seater seaplane which landed in dramatic fashion on Talbot Bay. The smoothest landing I’ve ever had in a plane! From there we went on a powerful jet boat through not one but two Horizontal Falls. Unlike your conventional water falls these are tidal and the water races through the gorges horizontally. Only in Oz!
Having driven the Broome Cape Leveque road only days prior, it was fascinating seeing it from the air. A long, narrow red line surrounded by remote extensive bushland, mostly uninhabited; the only road that connects Broome to the Dampier Peninsula. We flew over the communities and beaches and saw the bush camps where we had earlier spent days fishing, swimming and relaxing. Unlike the other passengers who were in awe of the visual beauty, Steve and I were also able to connect both physically and emotionally. From the air, the sand dunes at Lombadina, which days earlier unexpectedly caused us to challenge our off road skills confirmed to us the vastness and remoteness of the area we had travelled.
Nature over millions of years has yet again created a remarkable display of extremes. It was an experience that stimulated all our senses. A must do! Put it on your bucket list!
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