• Our First Repair

    So a few days ago we noticed the front tyre was slightly deflated, using the compressor we popped some air in it. The air compressor has proved it’s worth! Clearly we had a…

  • Northern Territory

    Yesterday we were back on the Stuart HWY heading for the Northern Territory border. There’s a terrific rest area that is well maintained and back from the main road and it lies right…

  • Two Local Identities

    You visit places and do the tourist thing. See this, do that. It’s not until you have a yarn with the locals that you develop a somewhat different and more realistic understanding of…

  • Coober Pedy!

    Morning stroll (to hot to walk any faster) through Coober Pedy. All the essential services are here. IGA supermarket, hospital, various eating places, an Italian Club a golf course minus the greens and…

  • Onwards to Coober Pedy

    This morning we left Spear Creek early and drove 537 kilometres to Coober Pedy along the Stuart Hwy. The moment you leave Port Augusta or “The Gutter” as locals call it and you…

  • Spear Creek

    Today we travelled towards Port Augusta. The landscape has changed significantly. Wide open spaces that extend for miles and miles. We are camping at Spear Creek on the edge of the Flinders Ranges. Amazing…

  • The Adventure Begins

    Well after two years of planning and researching the adventure has begun! We could not be better prepared. We’ve arrived At Lake Lonsdale, north of Stawell and Darryl Kerrigan (aka Steve)  is having a…