Catch up in Alice

Coffee with a Mate

Whilst in Alice, we took the opportunity to stock up on supplies (food and alcohol), refill our water tanks as the water here is good and to do a few repairs. We will not see another decent supermarket again probably until we get to Katherine and that’s weeks away. I’ve heard that bread can cost $11.00 a loaf and it’s FROZEN!

A new van step!

When preparing for the trip and I saw Steve filling the cargo drawers in the car with tools, tools tools and, I seriously thought  to myself do we really need those spanners, screwdrivers, screws, wires, a drill? Why would we need a drill?

Well you need a drill when silly Lorraine leaves the van step by the side of the road and Steve has to  make a new one.

We now have a new step and I plan not to leave it behind somewhere.

We caught up with Thomas, a friend from Melbourne and his partner Malika. He has been living in Alice for twelve months. We spent a lovely afternoon chatting over a couple of coffees and cake. So good to talk to someone other than your travel buddy. I’m sure Steve felt the same.


    • travltrax

      Hey Linny. Foot still not great. I have it on ice everyday and resting it. I don’t think it was a bite. I think I may have hurt it on one of my earlier treks. I’m going to go to the next hospital and see if they can x-ray it. Apart from that, its been the BEST.

    • travltrax

      Hey Linny. Foot still not great. I have it on ice everyday and resting it. I don’t think it was a bite. I think I may have hurt it on one of my earlier treks. I’m going to go to the next hospital and see if they can x-ray it. Apart from that, its been the BEST.

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